Hemroids (Hemorrhoids) - A Rapidly Growing Worldwide Health Disease
Released on: May 20, 2008, 2:44 am
Press Release Author: Mats Alyhr
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: Hemroids (hemorrhoids) has become a worldwide health problem these days. It is believed that the actual number of people suffering from this condition may never be aware of Hemroids because of the stigma associated with it.
Press Release Body: Since the symptoms of hemroids are only known by the one who is suffering from it, there is no way the rest of us can find out that a member of our family, a friend or a colleague at the work place is suffering from this disease unless he or she decides to disclose it.
This kind of "information blackout" does not help both the patient and the community at large, because then the disease cannot be treated properly and the public cannot benefit from the experiences of those who already have the disease. "Fore-warned is fore-armed", so goes the saying.
It is in view of this state of affairs that a website dedicated to explaining the mysteries of this disease called hemroids was launched. You can access the wealth of information gathered about hemroids by visiting www.hemroids-information.com and its other sister websites.
The website leaves no questions open regarding the causes, symptoms and treatment options of hemroids. The section devoted to the various types of hemroids and how they develop gives the reader all the information he or she needs for self-diagnosis of this condition. This can be of crucial importance for the many silent hemroids sufferers the world over, because at least they will be able to gauge the severity of their condition and apply the appropriate treatment. It does not matter whether you have internal hemroids, external hemroids or bleeding hemroids, a suitable remedy is suggested for each of them on this website.
Among the all treatment options the website suggests to those who can be applied at home (self-medication) and also who can only be administered by a medical person. Some of the self-administered remedies include things like warm bath, ice pack, and various creams. However, none of these remedies beats the powerful, fast acting Venapro drug. The website devotes a lot of time in promoting these wonder-drugs and gives the visitors a link to the page where they provide the option of buying the drug online.
The website also gives a number of hemroids resources for those who may want to explore this topic more.
Web Site: http://www.hemroids-information.com
Contact Details: Contact Name: Mats Alyhr
Email: mats@alyhr.se Website: http://www.hemroids-information.com http://www.hemorrhoids-treatment-guide.com/
Address: Lilla Haestnaes 62190 Visby Sweden Country: Sweden
Phone: +46736798305
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